Israel Wants War, Not Peace, in Syria

Israel Wants War, Not Peace, in Syria

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

America and Israel both reject peace and stability in Syria, war continuing with no end of it in sight.

Their joint imperial goal has alway been regime change, installing pro-Western puppet rule, along with isolating Iran ahead of initiating a similar strategy against its sovereign independence.

On the phony pretext of preventing Iranian influence and establishing a military presence in Syria, Netanyahu threatened the Islamic Republic and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Days earlier, his former national security advisor General Yaakov Amidror expressed the same view, saying:

Iranian bases in Syria would create “launching-pad bases in Syria to Hezbollah and the Iranians. And Israel should prevent it whatever will be the price.”

“If that will not be taken into account by the those who are making those arrangements – the Americans, the Russians and others – that might lead the IDF to intervene and destroy every attempt to build infrastructure in Syria.”

“We will not let the Iranians and Hezbollah be the forces which will win from the long and very brutal war in Syria and move the focus into Israel.”

If he’s speaking for Netanyahu and his hardline regime allies, as is likely given his influence with the prime minister, he’s advocating continued war and regime change.

Asked if Israel is free to operate as it wishes in Syria, he said “I don’t see who will stop it…(W)e should strive to be sure that our interests will be kept.”

Amidror’s remarks came a day after Netanyahu rejected the Russian/US brokered southern ceasefire deal, saying it “perpetuate(s)” Iranian and Hezbollah’s presence in the country near Israel’s border, “chang(ing) the picture in the region from what is has been up to now.”

His real objection is wanting no interference in longstanding plans to eliminate Syria and Iran as sovereign independent rivals to Israel’s long sought regional dominance.

That’s what his concern is all about, not Iranian and Hezbollah influence near its borders, posing no threat to Israel’s security.

Russian forces were deployed to Daraa in southern Syria to monitor and enforce ceasefire in the area – not good enough for Netanyahu, wanting US and Israeli control instituted, not Russia involved in combating the scourge of terrorism Washington and Tel Aviv support.

Trump’s neocon CIA director Mike Pompeo lied about Russian operations in Syria, saying there’s only “the most minimal evidence” of a serious strategy, stressing the interests of Washington and Moscow are polar opposite.

“We certainly are trying to find places where we can work alongside the Russians, but we don’t have the same set of interests there,” he claimed.

“So from an intelligence perspective, we’re staring at the places we can find to achieve American outcomes in Syria – the things in our country’s best interest and not in theirs.”

It’s clear what he has in mind – regime change and eliminating Syrian sovereignty, using terrorist foot soldiers supported by US airpower to achieve its imperial objectives – in Syria, regionally and everywhere else.

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