Neocon Nikki Haley on Iran

Neocon Nikki Haley on Iran

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

She’s an embarrassment to responsible diplomacy, the latest in a long line of deplorable US UN envoys.

On Friday, she displayed anti-Iran venom, issuing a statement saying:

“The issue with Iran always comes back to mistrust. Iran’s widespread support for terrorists tells us we can’t trust them.”

“Iran’s breaking its obligation on missile testing tells us we can’t trust them. Yesterday’s (legitimate missile) launch proves that yet again.”

“Under this administration, the United States will not let Iran off the hook for behavior that threatens our interests and our allies.”

“We will not simply trust Iran’s word that they are in compliance with international obligations. We will continue to impose consequences until Iran stops its provocations and complies fully with Security Council resolutions.”

Fact: Iran responsibly combats terrorist groups America supports.

Fact: Its missile development and testing are legitimate activities pursued by many nations – Washington never objecting about what its allies do.

Fact: America can never be trusted. Iran is loyal to its allies. It’s word is its bond.

Fact: Tehran threatens no other nations. It hasn’t attacked another one in centuries. It’s the region’s leading peace and stability advocate.

Fact: It’s in full compliance with its international obligations. America is a serial international law violator, a ruthless aggressor.

Fact: US sanctions on Iran are flagrantly illegal – earlier and new ones.

On Thursday, Iran successfully tested its Simorgh rocket, designed to launch satellites weighing up to 250 kilograms into space orbit.

On Friday, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin imposed sanctions on the country – irresponsibly calling Tehran’s legitimate action “a provocative space launch,” adding:

“These sanctions target key entities involved in Iran’s ballistic missile program, and underscore the United States’ deep concerns with Iran’s continued development and testing of ballistic missiles and other provocative behavior.”

State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert lied, claiming Tehran’s ballistic missile tests and rocket launches violate Security Council Resolution 2231.

The resolution mandates Iran “not…undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.”

Tehran is in full compliance. Its ballistic and other missiles are designed to carry conventional, not nuclear, warheads. Dozens of other countries have the same technology – not sanctioned by America.

Iranian officials denounced new Treasury and congressional sanctions, President Rouhani, saying:

“Iranians well know that they should resist and stand against their enemies. Over the past 40 years, the Iranians have faced numerous pressures, sanctions and accusations by the US politicians and their propaganda machine.”

“The Americans cannot tolerate an independent and influential country in this sensitive region.” Rouhani promised an appropriate response.

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