Deplorable NYT Anti-Russia Propaganda

Deplorable NYT Anti-Russia Propaganda

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

NYT anti-Russia commentaries read like rejected grade-B movie scripts, implausible rubbish.

Its latest editorial irresponsibly claims “the Kremlin’s stealth intrusion into the election was far broader and more complex, involving a cyberarmy of bloggers posing as Americans and spreading propaganda and disinformation to an American electorate on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms.”

Only fools believe it – utter rubbish not fit to print or read. Repeated accusations about Russia lack supportive evidence. Stuff is invented to vilify the country. None of it holds water.

The Times: “…Russia’s guile in using hackers and counterfeit Facebook and Twitter accounts to undermine her campaign represents a new dimension in disinformation that must not go unchallenged by Mr. Trump, however much he may have benefited from it and however close his relationship to Russian President Vladimir Putin.”

Fact: No evidence suggests anti-Hillary Kremlin-connected hackers.

Fact: Moscow had nothing to do with Trump’s electoral triumph. Hillary’s incompetence was responsible, her poor campaigning, her unbelievability and untrustworthiness, her ties to Wall Street, her rage for endless wars of aggression.

The Times claim about “hundreds or even thousands of fake” anti-Hillary Facebook and Twitter accounts connected to Russia is willful disinformation.

Its editors lied claiming evidence of “Russian involvement in the spread of the email leaks that bedeviled Mrs. Clinton, and the Russian military intelligence agency’s use of hackers to penetrate state voting systems.”

None of this exists – earlier or now, The Times willfully reporting disinformation to its readers, too many foolish enough to believe pure rubbish.

The Times: “The social media scheming is further evidence of what amounted to unprecedented foreign invasion of American democracy. If President Trump and Congress are not outraged by this, American voters should ask why.”

Instead of journalism the way it should be, The Times features this type trash.

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