Israel Responsible for Killing Three of Its Security Forces

Israel Responsible for Killing Three of Its Security Forces

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

Palestinian Nimr Mahmoud Ahmed Jamal pulled the trigger.

Occupation harshness claimed the lives of two Israeli security guards and a border police officer at the entrance of the illegal Har Adar settlement.

Regime ruthlessness has a price, Palestinians nearly always paying it.

Jamal was lethally shot, not arrested, the 56th Palestinian killed by Israeli forces this year alone, many thousands earlier, an endless state-sponsored reign of terror against an illegally occupied people.

Hamas spokesman Hazzam Qassam said “the terror attack in the Jerusalem area is a new chapter in the Al-Quds intifada that proved all attempts to Judaize the city will not change the fact that Jerusalem is an Arab and Islamic city, whose residents and tourists will redeem in blood or life.”

A separate Hamas spokesman Husam Badran stressed “resistance is aimed at ending (Israel’s) occupation of Palestinian land. (It’ll) continue by all means of liberation and resistance, no matter how much sacrifice.”

Fatah official Munir al-Jaghoub said “Israel alone is responsible for Palestinian reactions to the crimes of the occupation, and if it continues its aggressions against the Palestinian people.”

Its regime “must be well aware of the consequences of its continued push towards violence, the policy of house demolitions, the forced displacement of Jerusalemites, and the successive incursions of settlers to Al Aqsa Mosque compound.”

Jamal had a permit to work in settlements. Israel cordoned off his village after Tuesday’s shootings, punishing its residents, allowed to leave only for humanitarian reasons, usually not granted, the ruthless way it operates.

Palestinians endure daily Israeli state terror, exacerbated by 50 years of militarized occupation, harshness, their land stolen, their family members and friends imprisoned, killed or brutalized in other ways.

Israeli apartheid viciousness suffocates them, their fundamental rights denied, their futures destroyed by a racist regime, punishing them for not being Jewish.

Netanyahu responded to Tuesday’s incident as expected, ignoring his own culpability, his war crimes, his deep-seated racism, his contempt for Palestinian lives and welfare, his disdain for peace, equity and Palestinian self-determination.

Jamal’s family had nothing to do with the shootings. They’ll be punished anyway. Netanyahu ordered the demolition of their home.

He blamed the incident on “systematic incitement by the Palestinian Authority and other elements,” adding he “expect(s) (Abbas) to condemn it and not attempt to justify it.”

He suggested more harsh retaliatory measures against Palestinians to come, “the next steps,” he said.

The UN and Western politicians are quick to condemn Palestinians for incidents like Tuesday’s shootings – noticeably silent about Israel’s longstanding reign of terror, its illegal occupation, its terror-bombing of Gaza and Syrian territory, its support for ISIS and other terrorist groups, its defiance of fundamental rule of law principles.

Jamal gave his life to make a statement. So have many other Palestinians, likely many more ahead – the world community disdainful of their suffering.

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