Israel Terrorizing Tamimi Family Members

Israel Terrorizing Tamimi Family Members

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

Collective punishment is longstanding Israeli policy, flagrantly violating international law, supported and encouraged by Washington – providing billions of dollars annually, aiding its killing machine.

Millions of Palestinians are victimized for not being Jewish – terrorized by Israeli apartheid viciousness, the world community failing to address one of history’s great crimes.

The entire Tamimi family is ruthlessly persecuted – for wanting to live free from oppressive occupation, their fundamental right.

Previous articles discussed the arrests and fabricated charges against 16-year-old Ahed Tamimi, her mother Nariman and cousin Nour.

Ziofascist defense minister Avigdor Lieberman ordered her family harassed and collectively punished, a grievous Fourth Geneva violation.

Overnight, Israeli forces raided Manal and Bilal Tamimi’s home, Ahed’s relatives, breaking in violently pre-dawn, arresting their 19-year-old son Mohammed.

Manal was released from illegal detention a week ago. On her Facebook page, she said Mohammed is held at Israel’s infamous Petah Tikah interrogation torture center.

The Timimis live in Nabi Saleh village near Ramallah, its population of 600 well-known for courageously holding weekly anti-occupation demonstrations.

The illegal Halamish settlement encroached on its land, stealing its agricultural property, including its spring water.

Israeli state terror targeted the Tamimis and other village residents for years, many injured and/or arrested, around 50 disabled.

Last week, Tamimi family cousin Musa’ab, aged-17, was lethally shot by Israeli soldiers in the nearby Deir Nizam village.

Bassem Tamimi, Ahed’s father, one of Nabi Saleh’s protest leaders, was arrested a dozen or more times – earlier administratively detained for three years, uncharged and untried.

In November 2012, Israeli forces murdered Rushdi Tamimi in cold blood with live fire during a peaceful protest.

Days earlier, Lieberman ordered Tamimi family members ruthlessly punished. He disgracefully lied claiming involvement of family members in “violence and incitement of terrorism” – an Israeli specialty, not there’s, their protests and related activities entirely legitimate.

The Sheldon Adelson-owned Israel Hayom Hebrew language broadsheet quoted Lieberman saying:

“Dealing with Tamimi and her family has to be severe. Exhaust all legal measures and generate deterrence,” adding he won’t “tolerate incidents where Palestinian protesters accost Israeli soldiers and incite terrorism.”

He referred to the slapping incident heard round-the-world, making Ahed Tamimi more of an international figure than already, the main reason for Lieberman’s rage.

She slapped Israeli soldiers in response to being slapped, along with courageously challenging their lawless intrusion on her family’s property.

Israeli harshness can’t deter her redoubtable spirit. She, her family members and countless other Palestinians are committed to continue resisting occupation tyranny.

They deserve universal support!

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

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