US Forces to Remain Indefinitely in Syria Illegally

US Forces to Remain Indefinitely in Syria Illegally

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

Russia intervened in Syria at the request of its government – to combat US-supported terrorists.

They continue pouring into the country cross-border, replacing others eliminated by Syrian and allied forces, greatly aided by Russian airpower, considerably reduced from its earlier strength.

Last October, Syria’s Defense Ministry reported seizure of large amounts of weapons and munitions made in America and its rogue allied countries.

They included rockets, rifles, machine-guns, surface-to-air missiles, man-portable air-defense system MANPADS, TOW anti-tank missiles, tanks and other heavy weapons.

Washington and its rogue allies continue supplying these and other weapons to ISIS and other anti-government terrorists – wanting endless war and regime change, opposing peaceful conflict resolution.

The Trump administration intends indefinite occupation of northern and southern Syrian territory it controls illegally, operating from bases it constructed.

Moscow and Damascus demand US presence in the country ends, ignored by Washington, putting the Trump administration sharply at odds with Russia.

Sophisticated drones used in the thwarted terrorist attack on its Syrian bases almost certainly were supplied by the Pentagon or CIA.

Putin slammed what happened, saying he knows when and where these UAVs were supplied to terrorists, indicating knowledge of the supplier.

Who gains by supporting ISIS and other terrorists wage war in Syria for regime change? Washington and Israel most of all. Along with their rogue allies, they’re partnered against Assad.

Separately on Thursday, Russia’s Foreign Ministry commented on humanitarian aid needed for the Rukban refugee camp in southern Syria – largely blocked by US occupying forces, the ministry saying:

“No Syrian army units or representatives of the legitimate authorities of the Syrian Arab Republic are allowed” in a US illegally occupied 55 km zone around At Tanf near the Iraq border.

The Pentagon uses this territory to train anti-government terrorists. Around 60,000 Syrian refugees face dire conditions, prevented from receiving vital food, medical supplies and other essentials to life and well-being.

“We regard as unacceptable attempts by Washington to justify the use of military force against the sovereignty and territorial inviolability of the Syrian Arab Republic,” Russia’s Foreign Ministry said, adding:

“Assurances by the United States that its military are allegedly staying on Syrian soil for the purpose of fighting terrorists are unconvincing and open to criticism.”

“We demand that all restrictions on access for convoys of food and medicines be lifted and that humanitarian operations in the area be more transparent.”

Demands aren’t good enough. Nor is saying Washington must “respect the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Syria…”

The Trump administration ignores these comments, doing what it pleases, at war with Syria. Russia’s good faith efforts aren’t enough to turn things around.

The only language Washington understands is force. Unless confronted responsibly, it’s free to pursue its imperial agenda unimpeded.

It’s hostility toward Russia and other sovereign independent countries is unrelenting – perceiving efforts by Moscow for improved relations as weakness.

Putin needs a new approach in dealing with America – its adversary, not ally or partner.

Nor will things change as long as virtually all congressional and administration officials remain hostile to Russia – the disturbing reality of dismal bilateral relations.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

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