Imagining the Unthinkable

Imagining the Unthinkable by Stephen Lendman The combination of America's rage for war, its nuclear arsenal, and global delivery systems makes the unthinkable possible - nuclear war. On March 27, David Krieger and Daniel Ellsberg raised the possibility in their Christian Science Monitor article headlined, "For nuclear security beyond Seoul, eradicate land-based 'doomsday' missiles," saying:... Continue Reading →

Papering Over Disaster

Papering Over Disaster by Stephen Lendman Fall 2007 began the onset of America's greatest Depression. Europe's in deep trouble. Reckoning day's delayed by bailing out insolvent banks and throwing money at markets like confetti. What can't go on forever, won't. Progressive Radio News Hour guest Bob Chapman warned investors for years. It's just a matter... Continue Reading →

What’s Next in Syria?

What's Next in Syria? by Stephen Lendman On March 27, Syria formally accepted Kofi Annan's six-point peace plan. His spokesman, Ahmad Fawzi said: "The Syrian government has written to the Joint Special Envoy Kofi Annan accepting his six-point plan, endorsed by the United Nations Security Council." "Mr Annan views this as an important initial step... Continue Reading →

Challenging Israeli State Terror

Challenging Israeli State Terror by Stephen Lendman Among other methods, lawlessly imprisoned Palestinians do it by hunger striking. Khader Adnan got world attention. He endured 66 days before Israel agreed to release him on April 17. He continues struggling to regain health and survive. On March 30, Hana Shalabi's 43rd hunger strike day began. She... Continue Reading →

Terrorizing Palestinians Daily

Terrorizing Palestinians Daily by Stephen Lendman Life in Occupied Palestine is harsh, brutal, and repressive. It includes collective punishment, closed borders, economic strangulation, land theft, dispossessions, neighborhood incursions, ground and air attacks, arrests, torture, incarceration, and constant fear. Daily reports explain. On March 27, soldiers and settlers invaded the al-Aqsa Mosque through the al-Magharba Gate.... Continue Reading →

Legislating Greater Wall Street Theft

Legislating Greater Wall Street Theft by Stephen Lendman Political Washington is Wall Street's best friend. Whatever crooked bankers want they get. Their business model features grand theft. Wealth’s amassed through fraudulent double-dealing. Lawmakers facilitate their racketeering. They're rewarded in kind. Only fleeced households, investors, communities and nations lose out. Their dirty game continues unobstructed. New... Continue Reading →

Fragging in Afghanistan?

Fragging in Afghanistan? by Stephen Lendman If it's happening, it's not reported. Washington wants no mention or suggestion of what plagued Vietnam. More on that below. Writing about the Russian Revolution, Leon Trotsky said: "The moral condition of the army was hopeless. You might describe it by saying the army as an army no longer... Continue Reading →

The Criminal Class in Washington is Bipartisan

The Criminal Class in Washington is Bipartisan by Stephen Lendman Inside the Beltway, it's evident daily. The political news website Capitol Hill Blue says "Nobody's life, liberty or property is safe while Congress is in session or the White House is occupied." Electoral politics also highlights its clear and present danger. It involves rogue politicians... Continue Reading →

Washington Admits Aiding Syrian Opposition

Washington Admits Aiding Syrian Opposition On March 25, The New York Times headlined, "US and Turkey to Step Up 'Nonlethal' Aid to Rebels in Turkey," saying: Other US allies were urged to do the same. Insisting no weapons will be sent belies heavy Western and Israeli ones delivered through porous borders for months. They include... Continue Reading →

Terrorizing Palestinian Youths

Terrorizing Palestinian Youths by Stephen Lendman Based on spurious charges or others too minor to matter, Israel arrests, tortures, traumatizes, convicts, and detains hundreds of Palestinian youths lawlessly. Many suffer lasting effects. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) discussed one case. It reflects virtually all others. To protect the youth's identity, he's called... Continue Reading →

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