Obama’s MyRA Proposal: Hold the Cheers

Obama's MyRA Proposal: Hold the Cheers by Stephen Lendman Americans don't need another phony retirement scheme. They need employer-provider defined benefits they once enjoyed.  They need guaranteed pensions. They need safe and secure ones. They need Social Security protected. They need it strengthened. It's not an entitlement. It's not welfare. It's a contractual federal obligation.... Continue Reading →

America’s Criminal Afghanistan Legacy

America's Criminal Afghanistan Legacy by Stephen Lendman Over 12 years of war left millions dead. Violence, displacement, deprivation, starvation and diseases killed them.  Many others suffer horrifically. Media scoundrels ignore high crimes of war, against humanity and genocide. America turned Afghanistan into a wasteland. No end of conflict looms. It can continue for another decade... Continue Reading →

Israel’s Secret Nuclear Program

Israel's Secret Nuclear Program by Stephen Lendman It's an open secret. It's been known for years. Media scoundrels suppress it. They pretend none exists.  It's real. It's menacing. Imagine ignoring what threatens humanity. Imagine pretending Iran's peaceful nuclear program does so. Imagine risking regional or global war by doing it. London's Guardian is an establishment... Continue Reading →

Obama’s Abominable State of the Union

Obama's Abominable State of the Union by Stephen Lendman Obama's State of the Union address reflected beginning-to-end empty rhetoric. More on his comments below.  Throughout five years in office, he's been consistent. Duplicity defines his agenda. He says one thing. He does another.  In his first State of the Union address, he promised "to get... Continue Reading →

Media Scoundrels Target Ukraine

Media Scoundrels Target Ukraine by Stephen Lendman  They do it in editorials. It's in commentaries. It's in feature op-eds. More on this below. Previous articles discussed Ukraine. It's under attack. Western dark forces want regime change.  At stake is its national sovereignty. What's ongoing involves weakening and isolating Russia.  Western-sponsored violence continues. It erupted in... Continue Reading →

Deadlocked Syrian Peace Talks

Deadlocked Syrian Peace Talks by Stephen Lendman So-called Syrian National Coalition (SNC) officials are US stooges. They have no legitimacy whatever.  They're self-serving. They represent Western interests. They're mindless of fundamental Syrian rights.  It showed in Geneva II talks. It didn't take long. On Saturday they began face-to-face. On Monday they deadlocked.  America bears full... Continue Reading →

International Data Privacy Day

International Data Privacy Day by Stephen Lendman It's commemorated annually on January 28. More on its significance below. This year's DPA comes when revelations show unconstitutional NSA spying. Privacy no longer exists.  Other fundamental freedoms are eroding. They're disappearing in plain sight.  America was never a democracy. Today it's more police state than free society.... Continue Reading →

Mass Surveillance Called Illegal

Mass Surveillance Called Illegal by Stephen Lendman In 2004, Congress established the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB). It did so to advise executive branch officials on these issues. It was virtually moribund. It accomplished nothing under Bush. Nor during Obama's first term. In November 2013, it held its first meaningful hearing. On January... Continue Reading →

Unprecedented Inequality Under Obama

Unprecedented Inequality under Obama by Stephen Lendman It's unprecedented in modern memory. Obama declared war on social America. He's gone all out to destroy it altogether. More on this below. On Tuesday, he'll deliver his annual State of the Union address. Expect empty promises. Expect duplicitous rhetoric.  Expect beginning-to-end demagogic boilerplate. Expect a litany of... Continue Reading →

Fake Syrian Peace Talks Continue

Fake Syrian Peace Talks Continue by Stephen Lendman Talks were stillborn when announced. Syria is Obama's war. He launched it. He continues it. He wants regime change. He wants Washington in charge of Syria's future. He wants Syrians having no say. He wants pro-Western stooge governance replacing Assad. He wants what Syrians won't tolerate. The... Continue Reading →

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