Syrians Vote

Syrians Vote by Stephen Lendman June 3 was historic. It was Syria's first ever free, fair, open democratic presidential election. Hassan al-Nouri and Maher Hajjar competed with Assad. He's overwhelmingly popular.  He'll win easily. Only his victory margin remains to be determined. Syrians want no one else leading them. Especially while conflict continues. He's fighting... Continue Reading →

Information for my readers

Information for my readers On June 4th, Stephen Lendman wrote: I'm dealing with some health issues. They caught up to me. I'll be hospitalized perhaps through the weekend. Beginning Wednesday, June 4. Hopefully will restore me to full health and vigor. I know supportive readers follow my daily articles. I'm very grateful. You're the tonic... Continue Reading →

American Exceptionalism Justifies War on Humanity

American Exceptionalism Justifies War on Humanity by Stephen Lendman It OKs mass murder. It permits flouting rule of law principles, norms and standards.  America is a terror state. Criminality continues on an unprecedented scale. Permanent war is official US policy. One country after another is ravaged and destroyed. Millions of corpses attest to America's barbarity.... Continue Reading →

Obama in Europe

Obama in Europe by Stephen Lendman Wherever he goes, trouble follows. He's the latest in a long line of rogue US leaders.  Contempt for rule of law principles, duplicity and moral cowardice define them. Pretense otherwise doesn't wash.  Obama exceeds the worst of his predecessors. He's guilty of high crimes too grave to ignore.  Millions... Continue Reading →

Hunger Striking for Liberation and Justice

Hunger Striking for Liberation and Justice Bt Stephen Lendman On April 24, 90 Palestinian uncharged administrative detainee political prisoners hunger struck. They did so for long denied justice. Others joined them. Around 150 overall. On June 1, Maan News reported 1,500. On May 31, Palestine's prisoner affairs minister Issa Qaraqe feared martyrdom for some if... Continue Reading →

Palestinian Unity Governance

Palestinian Unity Governance by Stephen Lendman It's official. Its called "national reconciliation government." On Monday, Palestinian ministers were ceremonially sworn in.  At Ramallah presidential headquarters. Presided over by Abbas and Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah. A last minute disagreement was resolved. More on this below. Others issues remain. Whether enough to disrupt unity going forward the... Continue Reading →

Kiev Cluster Bombs Lugansk

Kiev Cluster Bombs Lugansk by Stephen Lendman On June 2, Itar Tass headlined "Administration building in Luhansk caught by fire after air strike, five dead, ten injured," saying: "The fourth floor of the Luhansk regional administration building was caught by fire after an air strike carried out by a Ukrainian fighter jet."  "A huge number... Continue Reading →

Washington Wants Maduro Dead

Washington Wants Maduro Dead by Stephen Lendman He's Venezuela's democratically elected president. It doesn't matter. Washington's dirty war continues.  It's done so since Chavez's December 1998 election. He became president in February 1999. He served until his March 5, 2013 death.  He survived Washington's April 2002 coup attempt. A 64-day 2002 - 03 general strike... Continue Reading →

Battling for Ukraine’s Soul

Battling for Ukraine's Soul  by Stephen Lendman Eastern Ukrainian freedom fighters aren't quitting. They reject Kiev putschists.  They deplore fascist governance. They want fundamental democratic rights everyone deserves. So do Maidan activists. Nonviolent ones. Thousands. On Sunday, they convened a People's Veche (assembly). The first in two months. In Kiev's Independence Square. Thousands participated. To... Continue Reading →

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