Arab World Largely a Cesspool of Ruthless Despotism

Arab World Largely a Cesspool of Ruthless Despotism

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

Saudi crown prince Mohammad bin Salman’s (MBS) ordered abduction and murder of Jamal Khashoggi was a drop in an ocean of brutal Arab world internal and cross-border high crimes.

State-sponsored murder, torture, intolerance of dissent, and countless other human rights abuses are commonplace in Saudi Arabia, other Gulf states, Egypt, Jordan, and elsewhere in the Arab world – its ruling authorities among the world’s must ruthless regimes.

Turki Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Jasser is one of countless other victims of Saudi brutality and murder – reportedly killed weeks after Khashoggi’s assassination.

According to the despotic UAE-based Khaleej Times, Jasser was murdered in prison for operating a Twitter account called Kashkool, exposing human rights abuses by Saudi ruling family members and other regime officials.

Arrested in March for truth-telling, he was eliminated to silence him. MBS and his henchmen continue brutalizing and murdering regime critics – the international uproar over what happened to Khashoggi not stopping them.

Riyadh reportedly has an “army of Twitter trolls,” ferreting out regime critics, fingering them for elimination.

World community outrage over Khashoggi’s murder flies in the face of dismissiveness toward countless other Arab world atrocities – the kind of stuff horror films are made of giving anyone watching them sleepless nights.

The only reason Khashoggi’s murder attracted worldwide attention is because it happened in Turkey, Erdogan using the incident for major concessions he hopes to extract from Riyadh – perhaps billions of dollars to help the country’s troubled economy, along with more for himself and family members.

It’s why he authorized release of damning information to drip out almost daily – published in regime controlled media.

According to whistleblower Edward Snowden, Israeli intelligence software was used to track Khashoggi, saying:

Israeli cyber intelligence firm NSO Group Technologies’ “digital burglary tool” was used, able to take lives as well as save them.

Separately, the Middle East Eye (MEE) slammed European politicians for “accept(ing) and collud(ing) with” tyrannical Arab world regimes, dismissive of democratic values and horrendous human rights abuses they commit. 

The same goes for America and Israel, allied with despotic regimes for their own self-interest.

Legitimate dissent and criticism of ruling authorities are considered crimes against the state by Arab world despots. Alleged reforms are systematically breached, not enforced.

“By relentlessly targeting all forms of free political and civil work,” tyrannical Arab regimes prevent constructive change, said MEE, adding:

“When political content that does not appeal to the authorities is spotted, the author is in danger of severe punishment, including imprisonment, excessive fines or enforced disappearance” and death – why MBS eliminated Khashoggi, Jasser, and countless other victims of his ruthlessness.

The same things go on throughout the region and worldwide, including in Western societies and Israel where democracy is pure illusion, not real.

Maybe MBS, the CIA, and Israel’s Mossad have eliminating me in mind. If I mysteriously disappear one day, blame them.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

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