False Flags in Northern Syria?

False Flags in Northern Syria?

by Stephen Lendman (stephenlendman.org – Home – Stephen Lendman)

False flags are a US specialty, staged as pretexts for what its ruling authorities intend.

Most often they’re to wrongfully blame victims for crimes committed against them. ISIS claimed responsibility for last Wednesday’s suicide-bombing attack and a similar Monday incident, both in Syria. More on this below.

According to CENTCOM, two US soldiers, a war department civilian, a private military contractor, and others were killed by jihadists on January 16 in the northern Syrian town of Manbij – others injured by the attack.

On Monday, a suicide driver detonated explosives in the northwestern Syrian town of al-Shadadah, killing at least five, injuring others. One report said five Kurdish YPG fighters were killed. 

A Pentagon Operation Inherent Resolve statement said “a combined US and Syrian partner force convoy was involved in an apparent VBIED (vehicle-borne improvised explosive device) attack” in northeastern Syria on Monday, adding “(t)here were no US casualties.”

SouthFront reported US casualties in Syria last Wednesday and again on Monday, its account differing from the Pentagon’s.

The incidents came weeks after Trump’s announced US troop pullout from Syria – a move opposed by regime and bipartisan congressional hardliners, along with US major media, supporting all Washington’s wars of aggression, failing to condemn their illegality.

Without citing sources, Fars News reported that “(s)everal American forces and (YPG fighters) were killed and wounded after a car bomb blast (struck) a US military convoy in southern Hasaka in northeastern Syria” on Monday, the incident referred to above.

Separately, according to local sources, at least 10 people were killed, another 18 wounded by a bomb blast in a bus in northwestern Aleppo province.

On Saturday, chief of Russia’s reconciliation center in Syria Sergey Solomatin reported numerous ceasefire violations in Idlib, Aleppo, Hama, and Latakia provinces.

Meanwhile on Saturday, Trump reinvented Washington’s war in Syria, saying “(w)e’re killing ISIS (the US supports) for Russia, for Iran, for Syria, for Iraq, for a lot of other places.” 

“At some point, you want to bring our people back home. I’ve been talking about this since the campaign. We have (eliminated) 99%” of ISIS fighters in Syria and Iraq. 

Not so! Thousands of its fighters remain in the country, others in Iraq and elsewhere, used as US proxy forces, its weapons and munitions made in the West and regionally.

According to the Kurdish-language Hawar News, ISIS fighters have safe haven in Turkey, able to move freely cross-border into northern Syria and Iraq, adding: 

Ankara arms the terrorist group. So do the US, European nations, Saudi Arabia and Israel. Erdogan uses its jihadists against Kurdish YPG fighters.

Given its Western and regional support, why would ISIS attack the hands feeding it? Were the above incidents made in the USA, more likely coming, a Pentagon and/or CIA aim to block withdrawal of US forces from Syria?

It’s highly unlikely they’ll leave virtually anywhere they’ve been deployed worldwide. US forces come to stay, especially in active war theaters and other countries considered strategically important.

That’s what the above incidents appear to be all about with more likely coming – insurance for Pentagon forces to keep occupying northern and southern Syrian territory, along with no end to US terror-bombing.

ISIS remains active in the country and everywhere else where US dark forces deploy its fighters. Their ranks continue to be replenished with new recruits – trained at Pentagon regional bases, used against America’s enemies.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: stephenlendman.org (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.


My newest book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


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