Iran’s Legitimate Trade and Nuclear Rights

Iran’s Legitimate Trade and Nuclear Rights

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

Under international law, no nation may interfere in the internal affairs of others, including their relations with trading partners — what the US does repeatedly, flagrantly breaching international law.

Iran may legally export oil and other products to any countries eager to buy them. No nations may legally try prevent its sales.

The Trump regime’s aim to bring Iranian oil sales to zero is flagrantly illegal under international and US constitutional law.

Republicans and undemocratic Dems use sanctions as weapons of war by other means to harm economies of targeted nations and their people — slow-motion war in contrast to naked aggression they wage.

Iran operates legally. Its ruling authorities seek cooperative relations with other countries, threatening none — polar opposite imperial USA, seeking control over all other nations, by brute force if other tactics fail.

Despite pulling back from its voluntary JCPOA commitments, its legal right under Articles 26 and 36, Iran remains in full compliance with the agreement.

The Trump regime breached it by pulling out. So did Britain, France, Germany and the EU for failing to fulfill their mandated obligations.

Iran is the most intensively inspected nation worldwide, fully cooperating with IAEA monitors, consistently proving its nuclear operations are for commercial and other legitimate purposes alone — with no military component, no evidence suggesting it seeks one, just the opposite, wanting these weapons eliminated.

On Saturday, Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi announced the following:

“Four measures were adopted today. One of them was related to the (JCPOA’s) paragraph 39 and the centrifuge machines.” 

“The centrifuges increase our (enriched uranium) stockpile in addition to helping the R&D activities.” 

“This measure has been adopted since yesterday and it will be declared today to the (IAEA) and our research products will be added to our stockpiles.”

“We have injected gas into a 20-set cascade of IR6 centrifuges since yesterday and assembling the 30-set cascade is our next plan.”

“We can also launch the 164-set cascades of IR4 cascades and IR2m as well as the middle cascade of IR5s in the next two months.”

Western JCPOA signatories breached their obligations by failing to fulfill them. Iran legally shifted policy as long as they remain non-compliant, Kamalvandi adding:

“One of Iran’s commitments under the JCPOA is related to the re-design of the Arak reactor. Another is about production of heavy water.”

“The third issue is the reprocessing of spent (nuclear) fuel. Another is the level of enrichment.” 

“The next is research and development. Three other issues are Fordow, the stockpiles, and the IAEA’s supervision and access (to Iran’s nuclear sites).”

Iran’s legitimate R & D pullback steps will enable enrichment of uranium to one million SWU, he explained. Steps taken seek balance in its commitments. 

Its authorities want the JCPOA saved — possible only if EU signatories fulfill their obligations, polar opposite what they’ve done so far.

As of Saturday, Iran’s enriched nuclear stockpile stands at 360 – 370 kilograms.

Separately by letter to EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif said Iran’s AEOI will begin unlimited nuclear R & D, its legal right.

It reduced its voluntary JCPOA commitments three times — explaining stepbacks taken are reversible if Europe complies with its obligations, what it hasn’t done or indicated a meaningful change of policy ahead.

On Wednesday, Iranian President Rouhani said “(w)e took the first step in reducing our commitments, and gave the P4+1 a two-month deadline.” 

“Then we went ahead with the second phase, giving them another two-month deadline.” 

“In the four-month period, we held negotiations with the G4+1, including the European Union and the three European countries in particular.”

Vowing to observe their obligations, they failed to follow through with positive actions — operating like the US, saying one thing and doing another, showing these nations can never be trusted.

Britain showed its hostility toward Iran by unlawfully seizing its Grace 1 super-tanker (renamed the Adrian Darya 1) — following orders from the Trump regime, renouncing friendly relations with Tehran by its action.

Friends don’t act lawlessly against trading partners. Britain operates as a virtual US colony, doing its bidding, notably going along with its hostile agenda.

On Saturday, the IAEA said its “inspectors are on the ground in Iran, and they will report any relevant activities to IAEA headquarters.”

Iran fully cooperates with them, proving its actions are entirely legal. On Friday, an IAEA spokesman said acting agency head Cornel Feruta will meet with Iranian officials on September 8.

On Saturday, Russia’s representative to the IAEA Mikhail Ulyanov tweeted:

“Decision of #Iran to use more advanced centrifuges shouldn’t be over-dramatized. Yes, it’s another deviation from #JCPOA, but new activities will remain verifiable by #IAEA and reversible.”

Iran extends diplomatic outreach to nations respecting its sovereign rights and territorial integrity.

The US demands other nations bend to its will, targeting independent ones for regime change — how belligerent hegemons operate.

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My newest book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

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