Cheerleading Fraud

Cheerleading Fraud

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

Instead of truth-telling journalism and support for an open, free and fair process, the Times leads establishment media cheerleading for rigged results over legitimate ones in the Trump v. Biden/Harris race.

Extreme bias for the dubious challengers shows up in daily editions — readers consistently lied to and otherwise deceived.

I support neither wing of the one-party state. 

I reject a process that shuts out independents and increasingly seeks to suppress speech, media, and academic freedoms.

Corporate-controlled conventional and social media censor truth-telling on vital issues, wanting content diverging from the official narrative restricted or blocked.

Google and its YouTube subsidiary operate as gatekeepers for powerful interests. 

Its personnel are tasked with eliminating what it calls extremist and other offensive content — code language for wanting alternative views silenced.

The Internet is the last frontier of digital democracy, the only reliable independent space for real news, information and analysis.

Yet its survival as now exists is jeopardized by dark forces opposed to free and open expression.

Eroding in plain sight, it may disappear altogether ahead on the phony pretext of protecting national security.

The self-styled newspaper of record NYT is part of the problem, not the solution.

Countless examples abound, supporting brazen Election 2020 fraud one of them.

In its latest edition, it lied claiming “the will of one man (opposes) the will of voters.”

I strongly oppose virtually everything Trump has done in office — domestically and geopolitically, including his serial lying.

Yet he’s right in sounding the alarm about brazen election fraud.

Instead of supporting a democratic process the way it should be, the Times has gone all-out for Election 2020 losers Biden/Harris to replace winner Trump on January 20. 

Saying “Trump revealed the fragility of the electoral system and shaken it” ignores a deeply corrupted process that’s too debauched to fix.

When powerful interests choose winners and losers — voters disenfranchised by having no say — selections, not elections, take place, what clearly happened in the US on November 3.

The Times and other establishment media consistently and repeatedly pretend that democracy in America is real — knowing full well it’s pure fantasy.

If the real thing showed signs of emerging, it would be legislatively or otherwise formally banned.

Saying Trump is “relying on false claims of fraud” is typical Times disinformation.

If Biden/Harris replace Trump in January, they’ll be illegitimate throughout their tenure — selected by dark forces, clearly not elected.

State courts are part of the debauched process, upholding the will of powerful interests over the rule of law and elections the way they’re supposed to be held.

Et tu Supremes? It won’t likely be long to find out.

VISIT MY WEBSITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at

My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

“How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War”


“Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity”

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