Iranian Cargo Ship Attacked – Again

Iranian Cargo Ship Attacked — Again

by Stephen Lendman ( – Home – Stephen Lendman)

Last month, the Wall Street Journal reported that Israel attacked “at least a dozen (Iranian) vessels bound for Syria and mostly carrying Iranian oil” in recent months.

According to Iran’s Tasnim News on Wednesday, the Iranian ship Iran Saviz was struck by a limpet mine in the Red Sea, adding:

“The vessel has been (patrolling Red Sea waters in) recent years,” (providing) logistical support for Iranian commandos deployed to that region for escorting trade vessels.”

On Wednesday, Iran’s Foreign Ministry said the Iran Saviz was struck in the Red Sea.

Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said an “explosion occurred on Tuesday morning near the Djibouti coast and caused minor damage with no casualties.”

“The vessel was a civilian ship stationed there to secure the region against pirates. The issue is under investigation.”

An unnamed Biden regime official falsely called the attack on Iran Saviz retaliation for Iranian strikes on Israeli vessels — that never happened.

According to the state-run shipping company, a number of attacks occurred on Iranian cargo vessels en route to Syria, adding:

Firm officials said they’ll identify the perpetrators of the latest incident and take legal action against “terrorism and naval piracy.”

On Tuesday, Netanyahu called for “fend(ing) of (nonexistent) Iranian  belligerence in our region (sic).” 

“And this threat is no theoretical matter (sic). I’m not uttering it rhetorically (sic).”

“We must take action in the face of the fanatical regime in Iran (sic), which simply threatens to wipe us off the face of the earth (sic).”

The US, Israel and their “fanatical” partners risk greater regional wars than already — not Iran.

In early March, an explosion occurred on the privately owned Israeli MV Helios Ray near the Gulf of Oman — en route to Singapore from Saudi Arabia with a cargo of vehicles.

At the time, Israeli war minister Benny Gantz falsely accused Iran of targeting the vessel with a missile. No evidence suggested it.

Iran had nothing to do with a technical malfunction aboard ship that caused what happened.

At the time, ship owner Abraham Unger said he didn’t thing what happened was deliberate. Evidence proved him right.

Weeks later, Iran was falsely accused of firing a missile at an Israeli-owned cargo ship in the Arabian Sea.

Once again, no evidence suggested  it.

No evidence ever suggests that Iran’s IRGC preemptively attacks nations, their vessels, facilities, or other targets — how the US, NATO and Israel operate time and again.

US war on Iran by other means has gone on for over 42 years because of its sovereign independence — with no signs of ending what risks turning hot by accident or design.

Iran is Israel’s main regional rival – yet poses no threat to the Jewish state or any others.

The infamous 1982 Oded Yinon document titled “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties” explained its aim to eliminate regional rivals by redrawing the Middle East map.

A dubious Israeli/Saudi alliance wants the Islamic Republic destroyed, falsely portraying the country as a regional threat.

Netanyahu repeatedly lies about an Iranian nuclear weapons program. None exists. 

The Jewish state is the only regional armed and dangerous nuclear power, along with maintaining stockpiles of chemical, biological and other terror weapons.

If Iran justifiably retaliates against hostile US or Israeli actions, Washington perhaps would attack the Islamic Republic, threatening the region more than already.

The US, NATO, Israel and their imperial partners pose an unparalleled threat to world peace and stability.

Biden and Netanyahu regime hardliners are pushing the envelope for greater belligerence than already ongoing.

VISIT MY WEBSITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at

My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

“How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War”


“Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity”

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