All the Fake News That’s Unfit to Print or Read

On all things most important domestic and geopolitical, the self-styled newspaper of record NYT never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity to set the record straight.

State-approved fake news alone is featured — including fake photos, videos, and other images to demonize invented US enemies like Russia.

Reports by the Times and other MSM on what’s happening in Ukraine give US-approved fake news propaganda a bad name.

No “rocket barrage (by Russian forces) is kill(ing) (Ukrainian) civilians,” no Russian “war crimes,” no “stiff resistance from the (so-called) Ukrainian army (or) Ukrainian citizens.”

What the Times called “siege tactics” by Russian forces is their encirclement aim to avoid civilian casualties in areas controlled by Ukrainian Nazi-infested battalions — ones holding civilians as human shields.

There’s been no Russian “bombardment” of Kiev, Kharkov or other Ukrainian cities — strikes on military targets alone.

No evidence suggests that “Russian agents (are) dress(ed) in Ukrainian military and police uniforms in an attempt to penetrate Kiev (sic).”

No use of “agents (by Russia) to sabotage and attack civilian infrastructure (sic).”

No killing of “Ukrainian children (by) Russian shelling (sic).”

No damage or destruction “of hospitals and other civilian structures…by Russian forces (sic).”

No attacks on “residential neighborhoods (sic).”

No strikes where there’s “not a single military object in sight (sic).”

No large-scale numbers of civilians volunteering to fight (sic).

No large numbers of civilian casualties by Russian shelling (sic).

No “Russian war crimes for deliberately targeting civilians in its unrelenting bombardment of his country (sic),” according to Zelensky — reading lines scripted for him to recite by the Biden regime.

Make no mistake.

The Times and other MSM support the scourge of Nazi-infested fascist tyranny in Ukraine in similar fashion to how they cheerlead US/NATO wars of aggression on invented enemies.

The dominant 4th estate has always been hostile toward Russia for being free from US imperial control — other than during the Yeltsin years, a Western darling for serving its interests during the nation’s lost 1990s decade.

Hostility toward Russia reached a fever pitch because Vladimir Putin refused to sacrifice Russian sovereignty or rights of its people to a higher power in Washington.

So Europe’s preeminent democracy under his leadership was reinvented into a nation-state Darth Vader by waging information war on the country.

It reached unprecedented heights following Putin’s recognition of Donbass sovereignty, followed by Russia’s demilitarization and de-Nazification campaign against US-installed/Western supported fascist tyranny in Ukraine.

Fighting continues on day 6 of Russia’s liberating campaign.

How much longer is unknown.

Hegemon USA controls Ukraine.

Russian and US aims are worlds apart with no prospect of narrowing differences.

At the discretion of dominant Biden regime hardliners, the Pentagon and CIA, war in Ukraine could continue longterm if the following scenario or something similar becomes reality.

According to Deputy Syrian Foreign Minister Bashar al-Jaafari:

Syrian intelligence has “evidence that the US military in (the country) is transferring terrorists from one place to another, especially members of ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra.”

The US uses jihadists as proxy foot soldier in various countries where they’re deployed.

Jaafari stressed that “one should not be surprised, and we do not exclude, that tomorrow ISIS (and likeminded) terrorists will be sent to Ukraine.”

The US-dominated “West will not hesitate to arm the devil against Russia if it is in (the) interests” of their ruling regimes.

If things turn out this way, endless war could follow.

Hegemon USA-dominated NATO doesn’t give a hoot about the rights and well-being of ordinary people in their own countries and worldwide.

Since the Obama/Biden regime’s 2014 Maidan coup, the US and Western vassal states having been using Ukraine as an imperial tool in pursuit of their diabolical aims.

A key one is waging perpetual war along Russia’s borders.

Could injecting ISIS and other jihadists into Ukraine for use in similar fashion to their proxy mission in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria and elsewhere be the next shoe to drop with maintaining a state of endless war involving Russian forces?

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