Kiev Strike Kills and Injures Scores in Donetsk – Russia Falsely Blamed

On Friday, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported the following terrorist attack by US-controlled Ukraine on Donetsk, saying:

Fired from occupied Dobropolye, a Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missile struck a Kramatorsk, Donetsk “railway station” when evacuation of civilians out of harm’s way was ongoing.

“(C)laims by representatives of the Kiev nationalist regime that Russia allegedly carried out a ‘missile attack’ on April 8 against the railway terminal in Kramatorsk are a provocation and completely have nothing to do with reality.”

“Russian Armed Forces had no fire tasks and planned none in the town of Kramatorsk on April 8.”

“On March 14, 2022, a battalion of the Ukrainian army’s 19th separate missile brigade delivered a strike by a similar Tochka-U missile against the center of Donetsk, in which 17 people were killed and another 36 civilians were wounded.”

“The DPR Territorial Defence HQ identified the missile as a Tochka-U type (from fragments), which is not in service in either the Russian army or the Donbass Republics forces,” the Donetsk News Agency reported.

“It is, however, being actively used by Ukrainian militants.”

Donetsk militia spokesman Eduard Basurin reported the following:

“A provocation took place in Kramatorsk” on Friday. 

“Ukrainian authorities did not hide the fact that they were preparing another provocation.” 

“First, an evacuation was announced from the cities of Kramatorsk, Kostyantynivka, Slovyansk.” 

“People began to gather in places where you can leave — railway stations.” 

Ammunition hit (them). There are about 30 dead,” many others injured.

There’s no ambiguity about what happened and where responsibility for the terror attack lies — jointly in Washington and Kiev.

Not according to the collective US/Western MSM lying machine.

Some fake news examples:

NYT propaganda rubbish:

“The (Biden regime’s) embassy in Kiev called the attack on the train station in Kramatorsk ‘another atrocity committed by Russia in Ukraine,’ ” adding:

“The world will hold Putin accountable” — for what Russia had nothing to do with.

WaPo fake news:

“At least 39 people were killed and 87 injured Friday at the Kramatorsk train station in eastern Ukraine, according to Ukrainian officials, in what they said was a Russian missile attack as hundreds of evacuees were waiting to escape a looming Russian offensive in the area (sic).”

WSJ fake news:

“A Russian attack on the Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk killed 39 and injured dozens more people as they tried to flee intense fighting in the east (sic).”

And this from CNN:

“At least 30 killed in train station missile strike in eastern Ukraine as civilians try to flee Russian onslaught (sic).”

BBC propaganda quoted puppet Zelensky’s perversion of reality.

Falsely accusing Russia for Kiev’s terror attack, he recited the following Biden regime scripted remarks, saying:

“The Russian military hit the railway terminal (sic).”

“This is an evil that has no limits (sic).”

Once again, MSM across the board falsely accused Russia of Kiev regime state-terror against long-suffering Donbass residents.

Russia’s Defense Ministry accused Kiev of disrupting evacuation of Kramatorsk residents so its Nazified forces can continue using them as human shields.

Separately, Britain’s BoJo regime announced the end of “engagement” with Russia.

According to so-called foreign secretary Truss, “a new approach to security in Europe (will be) based on resilience, defense and deterrence (sic).”

She urged other Western regime to go the same way.

And this from interventionist Blinken:

Calling on other NATO regimes and Asia/Pacific ones not to diverge from undeclared US war on Russia, he once again accused Moscow of “aggression in Ukraine (sic)” — what’s been longstanding US policy against invented enemies worldwide for centuries.

Separately on Friday, Russia’s Defense Ministry spokesman General Igor Konashenkov updated the continued demilitarization of Kiev’s war machine as follows, saying:

To date, Russian forces “destroyed…97 helicopters, 421 unmanned aerial vehicles, 228 long-and medium-range surface-to-air missile systems, 2,019 tanks and other combat armored vehicles, 223 multiple rocket launchers, 874 field artillery guns and mortars and also 1,917 special military motor vehicles,” along with scores of Ukrainian aircraft and the regime’s air defense and naval capabilities.

Overnight Thursday, “(o)perational-tactical aircraft of Russia’s Aerospace Forces and (its) missile troops struck 81 Ukrainian military facilities, including two command posts, an Osa surface-to-air missile system, three multiple rocket launchers, nine strongholds and 59 areas” where Ukrainian military hardware are located.

“Precision missiles of the Bastion coastal defense missile system also eliminated a foreign mercenaries’ gathering and training center near the community of Krasnosyolka northeast of Odessa.”

Early evening in Donetsk, its regional administration head, Pavel Kirilenko updated the death tolls from Ukrainian state terror on Kramatorsk to 50 people, including 5 children.

Another 98 required hospitalization, 12 too late or too far gone to be saved, Kirilenko adding:

“We expect that other victims will seek medical help during the next one or two days, so the count of casualties will be in flux.”

Hegemon USA’s dirty hands were all over what happened by supplying terror weapons to Kiev’s war machine.

The same goes for its complicit NATO vassals.

7 thoughts on “Kiev Strike Kills and Injures Scores in Donetsk – Russia Falsely Blamed

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  1. Mr Lendman,

    There’s a guy in town who says he’s writing down all the names

    of the Reporters who read the CIA scripts on all the


    We have Cable TV with about
    20 News Channels from around the world.

    I asked him how many he has

    He said well over a 100.

    And another 200 Experts who came on to embellish the lies.

    I didn’t need to ask him why he’s collecting all these names from Criminal News Networks!

    BTW…the Citizens of Berlin
    In 1940…

    Wouldn’t believe you if you told them what Berlin would look like in 1945..!

    They’d think you were insane.

    So too are the current Nazi infestation of today.

    Blood thirsty
    Criminally Insane

    With the Same delusions
    As the previous Nazis in Europe

    That’s their heritage
    That’s their DNA

    And will have the exact same Ending.


    Why is it inevitable

    Easy..just like Slavery disappeared

    You can’t fight all the Forces of History

    It’s like fighting gravity.

    Nor can Feudalism be’s obsolete

    Like Jens and Dirty Joe..

    Both Destined for the Trash Can of History.

    I might add,

    Sleep not well
    My little prancing Peacocks

    One Million Jedhi
    Still roam the Universe!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mr Lendman,

    “8 Miles High
    Or 8 Floors Below..?”

    At the Avov Pohl Steel Mill..

    Resides the US NATO


    Sadistic US General .
    A Heroin General..

    Lotsa of US Euro Trash Nazi Mercenaries

    Remember Abu Ghraib.

    Where American soldiers enjoyed themselves

    Torturing innocent Iraqis
    With electric shocks

    And brutalizing their genitals

    Proud US Army soldiers

    Liked to Fux boys in the ass
    In front of their Mothers

    And take Selfies..

    So they could remember and share their experiences..!

    America’s Finest..
    The US Army.

    The US Military..
    Heroin Pushers..

    Now on the Same Team as ISIS
    This is what they fight for.

    Gen Coulter
    The American General

    Trapped with his Nazi Cohorts
    A real American Hero

    Like Taliban Johnny McCain
    Or Mad Madeline AllDark

    George Washington’s puking
    at the Nazi Scum his Army has become

    This country has become..!

    And the sick little Euro Trash Nazis following this Filth..!

    The British MI 6 Oxford Dons
    you can understand

    Have always been complete Filth..

    The Original Narcotics Peddlers
    Used to tie People who refused to smoke their opium to the front of their cannons and blow them apart..

    Just good fun, laddies..
    The British
    The Proud Raj

    Now the Buttboys ..

    For illiterate peasants in Washington..!

    Obviously the Truth is going to come out very soon on the

    “Little Shop of Horrors”
    Run by the Mob.

    The Sadistic Criminally Insane
    From the Temple of Satan.

    And our Free Nazi Press covers it all up.

    The Brutal torture of Russian soldiers…all covered up..!

    And Jacob Jesus bin Zelensky
    the Jewish Nazi hailed as a hero..!

    That’s why the extraordinary amount of lies about Russia

    From the Jewish Owned Nazi Press who are attempting to submerge the Truth of their own Earth Shattering Crimes..!

    For Billions of People it will be an EYE OPENING EXPERIENCE.

    Repercussions will be felt
    Around the World.

    There will be a
    Great Cleansing soon ..!

    and just watch..

    The Arrogant delusional American Nazis

    will get trapped before they can leave for Israel or Paraguay..

    Just like the SickFux
    Gen Coulter.


    Just like the Sanctions

    So to will the Lies about Russia

    when the Zelensky Uki Treblinka or Buchenwald is uncovered next week.

    See ya.. wouldn’t want to be ya!

    Twitter etc

    Are all Neo Nazi Rags

    And Neo Nazi Propaganda platforms

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Mr Lendman

    Just read the excellent
    South Front article!

    Followed the link underneath my comment.



    In the South East

    Russia needs maybe
    2000 Motorcycles Corp Kawasaki Or Yamaha Dirt Bikes

    Two Brigades
    Like Arms
    Two Pincers that work together

    These are perfect

    Where large divisional forces and Fronts are difficult to move

    Speed Speed And more Speed is the Game Changers.

    Everything Napoleon preached
    It cannot be emphasized enough

    Speed and Mobility..
    Speed Mobility and Penetration

    End Arounds..
    And Naked Bootlegs

    Feints and Rapid Redeployment

    Travel light with

    Machine guns
    Side arms
    and anti tank weapons.

    Take the corners
    And back door position

    Post up and secure roads and bridges

    Or blow em up.

    Depending on the Logistical needs..!

    With Godspeed…!

    Forward to Victory..
    Red Army Soldiers…!

    Liked by 1 person

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